
Host blog on Github Pages

This article describes how the blog was generated using Hexo and hosted by Github Page.

Setup Hexo

The tutorial on Hexo’s home page is pretty intuitive.

$ npm install hexo-cli -g
$ hexo init blog
$ cd blog
$ npm install
$ hexo server

Now everything needed with Hexo is stored in the blog folder and the blog can be accessed via Configurations can be set to _config.yml as needed. Noted now the blog only can be locally accessed for testing.

Setup Github Pages

To host a website on Github Pages, a repository named <user>.github.io needs to be created on Github. <user> is the username on Github.
By default, a repo on Github only has one branch master. This branch is where the contents of the website will be placed and hosted by Github Pages. Another branch hexo will be created to store all the Hexo codes.

After the hexo branch was created. Cloned this branch from Github to local. <user> is the username on Github.

$ git clone git@github.com:<user>/<user>.github.io.git -b hexo hexo

Copy everything inside the blog folder to the newly created hexo folder.

$ cp -r blog/. hexo/
$ cd hexo

All the following work will be conducted within the hexo folder. The blog folder can be deleted.
After setting up the branches it’s time to publish the contents for Github Pages to host the website.
Modify the deploy section in the _config.yml file adding the following information. <user> is the username on Github.

type: git
repo: git@github.com:<user>/<user>.github.io.git
branch: master
message: update blog

This section is to tell Hexo to use git as deployment method and publish the content generated to this repository’s master branch. In order to deploy via git, another package hexo-deployer-git need to be installed via npm. After which the content can be deployed to master branch with hexo deploy. Execute the following command in the hexo folder.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-git
$ hexo deploy

Now the generated content had already been deployed to the repo and automatically hosted by Github Pages. The blog can be accessed via http://<user>.github.io
At this stage the blog is fully functional. The command hexo deploy needs to be executed every time a new post was created, to update the repo hence update the website.